Selling Avon Percentage earned

Avon Earnings

Selling Avon Percentage earned

Selling Avon Percentage earned

What Percentage do you make selling Avon: If you have been considering Selling Avon; now is the time to do it. When you sign up to sell Avon, you are automatically enrolled in Avon’s current 40% percent discount incentive. (This incentive program end date is not know at this time).

Anytime; you, as an Avon Representative reach the $100 sales level during each of your first 4 campaigns, you will receive a 40% discount on all of the full earning items.  This does not include any of the items that are at a fixed earning level.  These particular items are in the book and have a star next to the description. (Apparel, handbags, décor, etc.)

Afterwards you will earn the percentage based on your sales.

TIP:  Hit Hot Points.  When you only have $149 in sales spend $1 to reach the 30% earnings level.

Here is the 2017 Avon commission chart for Avon Reps who started before this incentive and what you would earn when this offer ends:

Make it President’s Club and earn 40% on your face-to-face and online eStore sales and 25% on fashion and home.

Signing up is easy.  Follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter reference code: mbrown316
  3. You will get your own Avon Representative account and can get started right away.  No need to wait for your kit.
  4. Once you are signed up you can reach out to me for help at any time and I will help you get started.
  5. In about 3 – 5 business days you will receive your Avon starter kit in the mail.

Click HERE if you would like to shop my Avon catalog page-by-page

Click HERE if you would like to shop eStore by product

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About Author

Monica Brown has been an Ind. Avon Representative since 2014 with experience in face-to-face, online sales and fundraisers. Silver Ambassador, President's Club, Honor Society and Spirit of Avon Award Recipient. Helping those who join her team that want to learn how to sell and earn with Avon.

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